28th of every month- Book Orders Due!
1st Tuesday of every month- Visit from Chick-Fil-A birthday cow (if your child's birthday is during this month you may take them to the cafeteria to eat lunch and get a free cookie on this day)
Thursday, May 9th- Unusual Pet Show (parents welcome) Information will be sent home when it gets closer. A.M. is from 9:30-10 and P.M. is from 1:30-2.
Tuesday, May 14th- Zoo Field Trip (parent volunteers with
background check completed needed) Both classes will combine for this.
Students will come to school at 8:30 and we will leave for the zoo at 9
A.M. and be back at the school by 1:30 P.M. All students will go home once we get back- no class will be held following the field trip. Students will wear class shirts to this. Permission slip MUST be returned- it was sent home on 4/24.
Friday, May 17th through Friday, May 24th- Kindergarten Testing. There will be no class held for kindergarten during these days. A few weeks prior you will be able to sign up for a time slot to bring your child in for testing just as we did in the beginning of the school year.
Thursday, May 30th- Lunch at School Day (parents welcome) Students get to buy or bring lunch to school and eat it in the cafeteria. Hot lunch of chicken nuggets and fries may also be purchased. A.M. is from 10:30-11 and P.M. is from 1-1:30. Forms must be returned by 5/16.
Friday, May 31st- Dance Festival (parents welcome) 9-10 A.M. Both A.M. and P.M. are combined for this. Students must go home after the festival. Bussers will still be bussed, and others will need to make arrangements ahead of time. Students will wear our class shirts to this.
Tuesday, June 4th- Kindergarten Graduation. A.M. is from 9-9:30 and P.M. is from 1-1:30. Parents are encouraged to come. After the graduation in the gym we will have some snacks back in our room. You can take pictures at this time and check out your child after if you would like.
Wednesday, June 5th- Field Day. We will need two parent volunteers for each class. Please look to see if you are available to help for that day.
Thursday, June 6th- Last Day of Kindergarten! We will have a class party (No school for Kindergarteners on Friday the 7th)
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